Another podcast!

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Hello, dear spinners! As many of you know, I hosted the SpinDoctor audio podcast from 2010–2014, just prior to launching Sheepspot. 

I'm so excited to announce that I'm starting a new podcast. That's right: The SpinDoctor is almost back in!

So what brings me back to this place? Well, many things. Of course, my love of all things spinning and sharing this knowledge with others. And many of you have told me that you miss my voice! And truth be told, even with the many crafting-related podcasts online today, all this time later, we are still lacking in spinning-centricpodcasts—particularly of the audio variety.

So I'm plunging back in with The Sheepspot Podcast.

Now, three years after SpinDoctor, lots of things in my life (and I'll bet yours too) have changed, so if you've been re-acquainting yourself with the older episodes of SpinDoctor (and please do!), be warned that The Sheepspot Podcast will be quite different from SpinDoctor.

The new format will be shorter (episodes will be 15–30 minutes long), with minimal editing. Each episode will offer one focused spinning lesson or one "behind the scenes" peek at what's going on at Sheepspot.

Most importantly, though, I hope to make The Sheepspot Podcast a valuable and enjoyable learning experience for every spinner who's listening. I know we're all way too busy, and I promise not to waste your time.

Is there a spinning topic that you'd like me to cover, or a spinning question you'd like me to answer? If so, please let me know. Contact me here and send it along. I'll do my best to get to it in an early episode!


Using a color wheel to find color harmony in your spinning