Hate weaving in ends?

One of my least favorite knitting tasks is weaving in ends -- but I almost never have more than two ends to weave in. How? Wet splicing.

spit splicing.jpg

Wet splicing is a way to join yarns while knitting. It is essentially felting two pieces of yarn together. It only works with yarns that haven't been treated not to felt (like superwash wools). Since Sheepspot is a superwash-free zone, you can use wet splicing with all of Sheepspot's yarns.

Wet splicing is very simple. If the yarn has multiple plies, you untwist the ends of your yarns carefully and break off about an inch or so of one of the plies. Then, you get them wet (I use a little bit of water, but some like to call this "spit splicing"). You overlap the two pieces of wet yarn together and rub them quickly between your palms until the overlapping pieces are the thickness of the rest of the yarn.

That's it! Now, you'll have two fewer ends to weave in, and a perfectly smooth transition between yarns.

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